I know, I know, I know, you must all be wondering........"WHAT THE H#&* HAPPENED TO TLB#13???" I hate that number, what can you do? Like in elevators. MOST OF THEM, ATLEAST, HAVE NO 13th floor! Right?
:) Let me begin by saying that YES Chloe looks like your average beautiful girl next door who says "I like chocolate covered gummy bears and pink starbursts.." but BEWARE HER LOOKS WILL MAKE YOU "LOCK UP YOUR SONS"! :) I got that from "TANK GIRL"!
I mean, just look at her. She's far, far, FAR, FAR more unique and gorgeous than your typical girl! She is an ideal beauty in a man's dream come to life! Do you know how many women would pay A HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY to have hair like MISS CHLOE'S? I know I would. Her styles invites us in a FUN atmosphere? Do you not feel it? Ok.. here, take a look at this!
She seems like she has a lifetime supply of fun in her pockets. Which she should have, being so young, and beautiful. It's very inspiring to see someone so restlessly conveying energy through a simple photograph to us viewers, readers...
These black wedges on the right are gorgeous by the way, perfect with floral and fun shorts. Very classic, very vintage. Truly beautiful! Having read a little about Miss Chloe on lookbook.nu. I was really inspired by her unique thoughts and a dream to be one of the french ladies on MISS DIOR commercials. It was just FABULOUS! So that inspired me to create a look for her based on her dream.
Some chocolate earrings, necklace, A PINK DRESS and a few balloons.. What could be more MISS DIOR than that?